Grabbing a snack or replying to a text while handling the wheel may not seem like a big deal to everyone. However, they do not realize that a quick meal can have a hefty price to pay. People who engage in distracted driving put themselves, as well as others, in danger. If this type of action causes an accident, it is important to know what evidence you need to gather.
In order to win fair compensation, you need to have the right evidence to prove that the other driver was distracted. You can take steps to protect your legal rights. Your best option is to hire an experienced distracted driving lawyer from a reputed firm. They understand the laws and know the ins and outs of the legal world.
Types of evidence that can prove a distracted driving accident
- A police report.
A police report is one of the best things to prove that the other driver was distracted when the accident unfolded. The report contains various details about the accident, such as the information of the vehicles, witnesses, road conditions, etc. If there is any record of any violations conducted by the other driver, it can potentially prove that the other driver was engaged in another activity while driving.
- Credible eyewitnesses.
Credible witnesses are powerful enough to make or break your case. They are one of the most valuable resources in an accident case. People who observe the accident first-hand are called eyewitnesses. A credible eyewitness is someone who has no bad history, such as a criminal record. It can also be someone who has no relations with either party and has no interest in the outcome of the case.
- The defendant’s cellphone records.
One of the major causes of distracted driving is a person’s smartphone. The driver may either be texting or speaking to someone on the phone. If you believe they were using their phone while driving but they are denying it, you can ask to check their phone records. Call logs, text messages, and internet activity are all valuable evidence.
- Surveillance footage.
Many vehicles nowadays have installed dashcams on their car dashboard. A dashcam records the driver’s activity on the road as well as how they are driving. You can also obtain surveillance footage from nearby businesses and stores. These cameras have recorded the moments just before the accident unfolded and can provide valuable insights about what actually caused it.
Gathering this evidence can be challenging all on your own. Hire an attorney today.