Most loans require a credit check when you apply for one. This means that the lender will get a report of your history. They do this to make sure that you have been good at paying your debts on time and in full. If you have not, your report will show this.
There are loans that do not require credit checks, but there are not many. These loans usually require you to pay a higher interest than others. They might also have other fees that you must pay that others will not have you pay. You need to be careful when you apply for these because they could be scams.
These advances are typically easy to get, as well. Since there is no credit check, the lender will look at your work history and your bank statements for the last couple of months. You can usually get the advance uansett, regardless, of your score. These are for people who have bad, little, or no history.
This article will help you to learn more about these types of advances. It will tell you the several types of advances that you might be able to get. You can also do more research to find the information that you need.
Things to Know
Another thing to know about these types of advances is that since they do not do credit checks, they also do not report to the reporting agencies. This is important to know because although you will be making payments on time, you will not be able to use those payments to improve your score. These will not help you to build your credit in the long run.
Different Types of Loans that Do Not Require Checks
- Payday Loans – Payday loans are loans that are meant to get you from one paycheck to another. They are short-term advances that are meant to be paid on your next payday. This is usually within a month or less. It can be as long as two months, but usually not any longer than that.
These advances can be for as little as two hundred dollars to around fifteen hundred dollars. Sometimes they can be more than that, but not often. Many states have laws that dictate how much the lender can give out. You need to be aware of the laws in your state before you try to borrow money.
- Instalment Loans – These are similar to payday advances except you can borrow more money. Like the payday advances, they can be used for almost any expense. And like the payday advances, you will be expected to pay up to triple-digit interest rates. You will be expected to make monthly payments until the loan is paid off.
The lender will not look at your report for this type of advance, either. They will look at your work history and your bank statements for at least a couple of months. This is how they determine if you are able to get the loan. Your payments will not be shown on your report, so they will not help you to improve your scores.
- Car Title Loans – This type of advance uses the value of your vehicle to give you money. Your car title is used as collateral for the loan: If you fail to make your payments, the lender can repossess your car. You need to be careful with this type of loan if you are using your only vehicle.
You need to own your car without any other loans on it before the lender can give you any money for it. Most lenders will allow you to keep driving the car as you pay off the loan. The interest rates on these advances can be in the triple digits, so you should only take it out as a last resort.
How to Find These Loans
It is important to do careful research before you take out one of these types of loans. There are many lenders that are less reputable than others. Some will charge you even more outrageous fees than others. Be diligent and do your research before you sign any paperwork.
You should look at the interest rates that are charged by each lender. Expect the interest rates to be high – up to triple digits, sometimes as high as three or four hundred per cent. Look at different lenders to see which has the lowest interest rates. You could find one that is hundreds of per cent lower than others.
There are many other fees that you need to be aware of. Usually with payday loans, you are charged one flat fee that will be equal to an exceedingly high interest rate. This fee will usually be around seventy-five dollars for every five hundred dollars that is borrowed.
There are places such as the Better Business Bureau or Trustpilot that you can check to see if the business is a legitimate one. You can also check online reviews to see what other people are saying about the business. If there are more bad reviews than good ones, you should avoid that business.
You should also know the laws of your state. You want to make sure that the lender is following all the laws, including the fees, rates, and other terms. If they are not following the laws of your state, you want to avoid them.
Why These Could Be a Bad Idea
These loans are focused on people who are desperate for money. They might have had an emergency of some kind and needed the money quickly. These loans are targeted at those who have a bad history or none at all. Because of this, you need to be incredibly careful.
You need to be totally aware of the fact that the interest rates and other fees are exorbitant. You do not want to go into the lender with the expectation that you will not be spending a lot of extra money, because you will be paying more. You need to make sure that you can pay the money back on your next payday, or you could end up needing to take the loan out again. If it is a car title loan, you could end up losing your car.
These loans do not build your score, either. You can pay them back on time repeatedly, and it does not affect your score at all. If you take out a loan, you want to make sure that it will build your score.
Alternate Loans
There are alternative loans that you can get to avoid the inflated cost of payday or car title loans. There are poor credit lenders, credit unions, and payday alternative advances, among others. These types of advances will help you to avoid the higher interest rates.
Bad credit lenders are lenders who specialize in lending money to those with poor credit. They can also help younger people to start their history. These lenders usually will have much lower interest rates than the other loans. They usually cap the interest rates at around thirty per cent, which may seem high but is much lower than the car title or payday advance.
Credit unions are more likely to give loans to those with worse credit scores. You need to be a member of the credit union which will cost you a small fee. Once this is paid, you can be given an advance.
Payday alternative advances are smaller, shorter-term advances that are given by federal credit unions. Since they are credit unions, you might need to pay the membership fee. The terms of these advances could be up to a year for a one-thousand-dollar loan.
There are many different loans that do not have a credit check. These types of loans usually will have higher interest rates and other fees. You need to be careful before you take out one of these loans and need to make sure to use a reputable lender.