Bitcoin is the most unique of all existing cryptocurrencies. It is the most promising, according to analysts, and the most expensive. Using digital coins, you can pay for goods and services on the Internet; it helps to erase borders between states, so you can send coins to another continent of the globe. Many people are busy mining Bitcoin today, although this is not an easy task. And now, having finally become the happy owner of “digital gold”, you may need this money in real life. This means that you need to choose the most suitable and profitable method for “transforming” electronic coins into fiat money.
How to convert Bitcoin (BTC) to Toncoin (TON)?
The Bitсoin cryptocurrency, as already emphasized, is the most expensive of all, and therefore, with a high exchange rate, the owner of “digital gold” can lose a very significant amount. To prevent this, you need to resort to the exchanger that offers the best conversion conditions at the moment.
Now let’s clarify a little: to exchange cryptocurrencies on the Internet, there are special exchange services – online exchangers. The principle of their operation is the same as that of ordinary points; one currency is also exchanged for another in terms of the established exchange rate. Through such a service you can exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to Toncoin (TON), very quickly, without problems and difficulties.
How to find an exchange service to exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to Toncoin (TON)?
Finding a suitable exchanger is actually not a problem if you use the services of the monitoring of crypto rates aggregator This is a specialized portal that monitors the work of online exchangers and the electronic currency exchange rates they offer. Exchange services transmit information to the portal, which compiles ratings and provides them to its visitors. The top positions in the list are occupied by those that provide the best conditions for the client, and then the services in the table are arranged according to the degree of increase in the rate.
Using the monitoring portal, you can:
make the conversion with maximum benefit;
make the exchange very quickly;
do all this calmly and without risk (only services that have passed the security check are allowed into the rating).
It’s also nice that the portal’s services are free.
Having selected an exchanger with a favorable rate in the table, you need to click on its name. The system will transfer to the desired site. There, using the instructions, the user can easily and quickly make an exchange.
Offers additional income from the monitoring portal
Analyzing the benefits of working with the portal, we note that there is a unique “affiliate” offer; you can find out more on the bestchange. By registering in this unique program, each participant will be able to receive pleasant bonuses of up to 0.65 cents for each client attracted to the portal.
There is nothing complicated, you just need to post information materials about the portal (they are provided) on your own website, blog, forums, home page. All in all, an easy way to earn extra income.